The Independent's report comes a day after Egyptian president Morsi calls for Hezbollah to leave Syria, and two days after UN Human Rights Council condemns all use of foreign fighters in the civil war.
The Independent added that Islamic Republic had even proposed opening a "Syrian" front against Israel in the Golan Heights in order to ensure Assad's reign continues.
The decision was made prior to Friday's presidential election in Iran, according to The Independent.
The Independent's report comes a day after Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi said he had cut all diplomatic ties with Damascus, and demanded that the Iranian-backed Hezbollah leave Syria.
Addressing a gathering of Sunni Muslim clerics in Cairo, the Islamist head of state said: "We decided today to entirely break off relations with Syria and with the current Syrian regime." Morsi said he had decided to close down the Syrian Embassy in Cairo.
Morsi also urged world powers not to hesitate to enforce a no-fly zone over Syria on Saturday, in a move that threw the backing of the most populous Arab state firmly behind the revolt against Assad.
Regarding Hezbollah, Morsi said: "We stand against Hezbollah in its aggression against the Syrian people. Hezbollah must leave Syria - these are serious words. There is no space or place for Hezbollah in Syria."
The UN Human Rights Council on Friday condemned the use of all foreign fighters in Syria's civil war, including Lebanese Hezbollah militants backing the government, but stopped short of calling for a halt to the flow of arms.
The Geneva forum adopted a resolution brought by Arab and Western powers, urging all parties to refrain from contributing to a further escalation of a conflict in which at least 93,000 people had been killed by the end of April.
Only Venezuela voted against the text, presented by Qatar on behalf of Britain, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, and the United States - which all back rebel forces. Thirty-seven states backed the motion. Nine abstained.
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